Moustiquaires de voyage imprégnées
Si vous voyagez dans un pays tropical, une moustiquaire imprégnée est indispensable dans votre valise ou votre sac à dos. Care Plus® propose différentes moustiquaires imprégnées pour vous protéger, vous et votre famille, contre les piqûres de moustiques.
Prévenir l’infestation de moustiques après de fortes pluies
Ces dernières semaines ont été étouffantes et il a beaucoup plu. Ce sont des conditions idéales pour les moustiques, et les infestations de moustiques sont donc à l’affût.
How does DEET work?
DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.
How do I choose the best mosquito net?
More people are travelling to faraway tropical destinations for work or holidays and are taking a mosquito net with them in their luggage. But a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country, for example at the campsite.
Tips for preventing and treating insect bites
An itchy, red or painful insect bite is something you want to avoid. In this article we share tips to prevent insect bites. Have you been bitten or stung anyway? Then read about how best to treat the bite or sting.
3 types of mosquitoes you’ll want to recognise
As many as 3,000 different species of mosquitoes live on our globe. Mosquitoes are annoying and can keep you awake at night while you try to sleep. Apart from their annoying buzzing, mosquitoes can also transmit infectious diseases to humans and animals.
Enjoy walking with these 5 useful tips
Walking or hiking seems very simple. Unfortunately, without proper preparation you can get into unpleasant situations. Therefore, make sure you are well prepared before you start your hike or walk, whether it is a city walk or a walk in the countryside, a short intensive hike or a multi-day hike.
Sleep under a mosquito net at home too
You probably recognize it, that irritating buzzing around your head as soon as you try to sleep. Many people sleep under a mosquito net to keep insects at a distance when travelling far away, but a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country.
A malaria-free world in 2030
In 2020, the news was largely dominated by the COVID-19 virus. However, still little attention is being paid to malaria. The mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth and therefore prevention against the malaria mosquito and against malaria is of great importance!

Moustiquaires de voyage imprégnées
Si vous voyagez dans un pays tropical, une moustiquaire imprégnée est indispensable dans votre valise ou votre sac à dos. Care Plus® propose différentes moustiquaires imprégnées pour vous protéger, vous et votre famille, contre les piqûres de moustiques.

Prévenir l’infestation de moustiques après de fortes pluies
Ces dernières semaines ont été étouffantes et il a beaucoup plu. Ce sont des conditions idéales pour les moustiques, et les infestations de moustiques sont donc à l’affût.

How does DEET work?
DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.

How do I choose the best mosquito net?
More people are travelling to faraway tropical destinations for work or holidays and are taking a mosquito net with them in their luggage. But a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country, for example at the campsite.

Tips for preventing and treating insect bites
An itchy, red or painful insect bite is something you want to avoid. In this article we share tips to prevent insect bites. Have you been bitten or stung anyway? Then read about how best to treat the bite or sting.

3 types of mosquitoes you’ll want to recognise
As many as 3,000 different species of mosquitoes live on our globe. Mosquitoes are annoying and can keep you awake at night while you try to sleep. Apart from their annoying buzzing, mosquitoes can also transmit infectious diseases to humans and animals.